Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bloom Where You Are Planted

It's been so long! Life has been busy and taken me in other directions than photography and "Flower of the Day" e-mail and blog posts. I have taken some nice photos over the summer, as I was reminded when I finally uploaded them to my computer today. I hope to eventually use some of them with word art.

These lovely violas were blooming in the crack of my neighbor's driveway earlier this summer. Sometimes I feel like these flowers, isolated and in the middle of a rough place, and I can only hope that I bloom as prettily as these tiny flowers. Maybe I won't make a huge impact, but perhaps I will brighten someone's day. Maybe if someone looks closely enough they will be blessed by what they see.

Probably most people who passed this driveway had no idea that these flowers had taken root there, but I had the luxury of being able to walk and observe what was around me rather than rushing from place to place and so I noticed them.

What are you taking time to notice?

Today I had the opportunity to notice how thoughtful Levi is. He got up before me (chalk that up to me being awakened by the puppy in the night and needing a little more shut-eye in the morning.) He asked me if it would be OK to put the tea kettle on to heat up some water to make himself oatmeal. I said it would be OK, just be sure to be careful. By the time I got up and put Sage (the puppy) out for her breakfast, he had made each of us oatmeal and some tea for me. He had it all set up on the table. What a sweetheart!


Word art by Jody McNally